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Chords By Key Logan | Founder of WGA Chords By Key Logan | Founder of WGA

How to Play Guitar Chords in the Key of D

Are you ready to learn chords in the key of D major? This post will explain why certain chords are included in the key of D and how to play them on your guitar. You’ll also learn some simple patterns you can use to figure out what chords are in other major keys.

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Chords By Key Logan | Founder of WGA Chords By Key Logan | Founder of WGA

How to Play Guitar Chords in the Key of C

This post will help expand your chord vocabulary to include chords in the key of C major. If you’re not quite familiar with what chords are included in the key of C or how to play them, this is the perfect starting point. You’ll also learn some useful patterns to add to your musical tool belt.

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Chords By Key Logan | Founder of WGA Chords By Key Logan | Founder of WGA

How to Play Guitar Chords in the Key of G

This post will help expand your chord vocabulary to include chords in the key of G major. If you’re not quite familiar with what chords are included in the key of G or how to play them, this is the perfect starting point. You’ll also learn some useful patterns to add to your musical tool belt.

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