worship Rhythm Guitar
at your skill level

Join our unique program and start leading where you’re at

Lead your community in worship with rhythm guitar

It’s no surprise there is such a large disconnect from the home church and mega church when it comes to worship. It seems like everyone is trying to copy the big churches. While their version of worship is fun and full, it doesn’t work for smaller groups.

Trying to force it isn’t the answer.

Adding pads and backing tracks isn’t the answer.

The answer is you, the rhythm guitarist who has a passion for worship.

We’re here to show you how using your current skills can be just as effective for leading worship.

Adapt worship songs to your style and skills, not the other way around

You don’t have to be an expert guitar player to lead worship.

You certainly don’t have to be able to play the top 10 worship songs from last month either.

You can lead your community in heartfelt worship with a guitar, a new perspective and some inspiration.

Grab your guitar, we’ve got the perspective, are you ready?

You'll become driven


You'll become confident


You'll become excited to lead


You'll become driven ... You'll become confident ... You'll become excited to lead ...


Play Any Song: Level 1
Cut Back


Objective of This Course
You will be able to lead songs well enough so everyone can follow along.

How Will You Play Songs?
Centered around the idea of playing “Cut Back” versions of songs, you will learn to play worship songs simply and straightforward, matching your limited strumming abilities.

What’s the Focus?
You will learn to play songs in a way that is styled back from the “full” original recording.

Is This Course for Me?
This course is best for guitarists who are new to strumming, or are still getting comfortable (and even struggling) with simple and fluid strumming patterns.

Recommended Experience
You should start this course if you can play a handful of chords moderately well without buzzing or needing to pause.

Play Any Song: Level 2


Objective of This Course
You will be able to lead songs with fullness and style.

How Will You Play Songs?
Centered around the idea of playing “Adapted” versions of songs, you will learn to play worship songs dynamically that allows for some creativity.

What’s the Focus?
You will learn to play songs in a way that is tailored to your style and rhythms.

Is This Course for Me?
This course is best for guitarists who have steady strumming rhythms but may not have the intricacies of complex patterns down quite yet. You are ready to play more complex strum patterns and rhythms with other band members.

Recommended Experience
You should start this course if you:
-Can play a handful of chords moderately well without buzzing or needing to pause, and
-Have a good grasp on simple strum patterns.

Play Any Song: Level 3


Objective of This Course
You will be able to lead songs with confidence and direction.

How Will You Play Songs?
Centered around the idea of playing “Medley” versions of songs, you will learn to play combinations of worship songs sections.

What’s the Focus?
You will learn to play songs in a way that combines multiple elements to create a flowing set list.

Is This Course for Me?
This course is best for guitarists who are comfortable with multiple strum patterns and tempos (song speeds), and are confident leading with their guitar. You are ready to play parts of different songs with varying rhythms, tempos, and grooves back-to-back to create your own unique worship set.

Recommended Experience
You should start this course if you can play a handful of songs with different chord progressions and strum patterns.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How long do the courses take?

    Each of the 3 levels vary in length as they approach playing songs differently. Each course builds on the next, but you can start at whichever you feel applies best to your current skill level.

    Ambitious students may complete a course in a few weeks, or it may take you a few months. It’s really up to you.

  • Will my hands hurt?

    For absolute beginners and those who have taken a few months off from playing, you will probably experience some discomfort, which is completely normal. What’s happening is your fingertips are developing callouses and your hand and forearm muscles are getting a workout!

    Stretch and take breaks often and you’ll be just fine.

  • What's included in each course?

    Each level includes the base lessons along with additional practice lessons to help solidify what you are learning.

  • What equipment do I need?

    You should have access to an acoustic or electric guitar, a tuner, a pick, and a quiet location you can consistently use to follow along and practice the lessons.

  • Do i need to be on a worship team first?

    While we believe leading on a worship team of any size is a great way to serve, there is certainly no requirement to be a member of a worship team to take any of these courses.