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How to Play Guitar Chords in the Key of C
C major is widely used in various genres, making it an essential key for worship music, where clarity and emotion play vital roles. Understanding how to play chords in the key of C major enables rhythm guitarists to build strong foundations for their playing and enhance their ability to collaborate in worship settings.
How to Play Guitar Chords in the Key of G
This post will help expand your chord vocabulary to include chords in the key of G major. If you’re not quite familiar with what chords are included in the key of G or how to play them, this is the perfect starting point. You’ll also learn some useful patterns to add to your musical tool belt.
Everything You Need to Know About Guitar Notes and the Musical Alphabet
Don’t stay stuck not knowing anything about open strings or the notes on your guitar. Discover the open string note names, the musical alphabet, and how you can play them on your guitar in this detailed post.
Welcome to Worship Guitar Academy
I want to share how you can use the Worship Guitar Academy (WGA) website to successfully join and serve your community as well as some important thoughts about worship, guitar, serving, and leading. Let’s dive in.
Accessories Every Acoustic Guitarist Needs
If you’re going to play acoustic guitar, there’s a few accessories you will probably need. Sure, you could play finger-style guitar and tune by ear, but these few accessories will enhance your experience and protect your guitar.
Music Terms Used to Describe Song Sections
Imagine yourself in a worship rehearsal. A team member is trying to share an idea of how the team could play a new song, but it’s just not making sense. If everyone knew the same basic terms used to describe sections within songs, there wouldn’t be any confusion.
4 Ways to Transition Smoothly Between Worship Songs
Transitions don’t always have to be the same, and when it comes down to it, they shouldn’t. If every song started with the same intro after each song ended the same way things would get boring really fast.
G Minor Chord Guitar Voicings
Explore the many ways to play the G minor chord (often written as “Gm”) across the guitar fretboard with this reference page designed to help you expand your guitar chord voicings/variations.
F Major Chord Guitar Voicings
Explore ways to play the F major chord (often written as “F”) on guitar with this reference page designed to help you expand your guitar chord voicings/variations.
D Major Chord Guitar Voicings
Explore ways to play the D major chord (often written as “D”) on guitar with this reference page designed to help you expand your guitar chord voicings/variations.
A Minor Chord Guitar Voicings
Explore ways to play the A minor chord (often written “Am”) on guitar with this reference page designed to help you expand your guitar chord voicings/variations.
E Major Chord Guitar Voicings
Explore ways to play the E major chord (often written as “E”) on guitar with this reference page designed to help you expand your guitar chord voicings/variations.
B Minor Chord Guitar Voicings
Explore the many ways to play the B minor chord (often written “Bm”) across the guitar fretboard with this reference page designed to help you expand your guitar chord voicings/variations.
C Major Chord Guitar Voicings
Explore ways to play the C major chord (often written as “C”) on guitar with this reference page designed to help you expand your guitar chord voicings/variations.
B Major Chord Guitar Voicings
Explore ways to play the B major chord (often written as “B”) on guitar with this reference page designed to help you expand your guitar chord voicings/variations.
A Major Chord Guitar Voicings
Explore ways to play the A major chord (often written as “A”) on guitar with this reference page designed to help you expand your guitar chord voicings/variations.
G Major Chord Guitar Voicings
Explore ways to play the G major chord (often written as “G”) on guitar with this reference page designed to help you expand your guitar chord voicings/variations.
A Complete Rundown of the Major Scale Formula
Some people roll their eyes at the mention of theory and scales, but you don’t have to be one of them. In this post I’m going to share some practical knowledge with you about something that will be foundational in your rhythm and lead guitar playing for years to come, major scales and the formula (pattern) to build them.
4 Modern Worship Guitar Roles
In this post I’m going to cover the 4 guitar roles in a modern worship team: rhythm acoustic guitar, rhythm electric guitar, lead electric guitar, and lead acoustic guitar. I’ll wrap up by covering how some experienced guitarists can fulfill multiple roles during the same set.
7 Solid Worship Song Endings
Every worship team uses them. Every song changeover needs one. The congregation has been trained to expect them. Is your team using the same song ending for nearly every song?